Episode 7: How to create a successful succession plan with Dr. Karl Besel

This week on the Nonprofit Science Podcast…

⦿ [1:00] Today, we are joined by Dr. Karl Besel. He is the Dean of the School of Interdisciplinary Health and Science and a Professor of Public Health and Social Work at the University of Saint Joseph. In addition to teaching both graduate and undergraduate courses, he has written two books, authored over 20 peer reviewed journal articles, and was named a Distinguished William J. Clinton Lecturer.
⦿ [4:58] Did you find that there is a certain mix of funding that helps organizations buffer the ebbs and flow of running an organization?
⦿ [10:18] In several of your papers you indicate that in addition to the financial side of the equation, a healthy organizational culture is also necessary for sustainability. So I was curious, how would you describe a healthy organizational culture and what benchmarks can we put in place to ensure that we’re on the right track?
⦿ [15:28] How do you maintain stability during that time of transition?
⦿ [33:22] Do you find that this overhead myth- that limiting administrative expenses increases the efficiency of an organization or it’s ability to make an impact- has that come up as a barrier to succession planning in the US nonprofits?
⦿ [36:37] Would you say that there is an ideal succession plan or a time frame during which an executive director or CEO should inform the board?
⦿ [51:19] From your research and your own personal experience- which you have plenty of- what type of training have you found sets young nonprofit professionals up for succession to leadership?

To learn more about Dr. Karl Besel and his work, click here.

Here’s what you can expect to take away from this episode…

⦿ An understanding of common barriers to succession planning

⦿ How strong leadership and workplace culture play roles in succession planning

⦿ Ideas for how to intentionally set about nonprofit succession planning

Click here to listen!


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⦿ Learn more about Dr. Karl Besel’s research
⦿ Video: Sage Video Case Study “Back to the Future: Traditional Town Planning in the United States and Cuba”
⦿ Video: Sage Video Case Study “Differences and Similarities in Nonprofit Executive Planning in the United States and Germany”
⦿ Video: Sage Video Case Study “The Road to God Knows Where: Civil Society in a Post-Power Sharing World”
⦿ Download “The SIGNALS Framework” e-book

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