Episode 3: How nonprofit governance and accounting influences donor behavior with Dr. Erica Harris

This week on the Nonprofit Science Podcast:

[0:55] Today, we are joined by Dr. Erica Harris. She is an Associate Professor in the School of Accounting at Florida International University. In addition to publishing dozens of peer-reviewed articles, she has also received many research awards, as well as a Fulbright Scholarship.

[2:28] Is accounting information useful for donors- why or why not?

[5:38] Have you seen that an organization with strong mission metrics also has a high* program ratio? (“Low ratio” was said in the interview, but that should be a high ratio.)

[11:08] What are benchmarks of transparency?

[17:13] How can nonprofits use audit opinions as a tool?

[21:45] When sophisticated funders pulled funding, did they come back around when an organization was able to present a clean audit?

[23:35) Anecdotally, a lot of organizations have heard you don’t want to have too much money at the end of the year- you want to make it clear that you’re spending money on your mission. Can you define excessive profitability?

[27:50} When it comes to profitability, was donor behavior different if the organization had more of a for-profit mindset? E.g. museum, theatre

[38:38] What’s next for you? What are you most excited about?

To learn more about Dr. Erica Harris and her work, click here.

To learn more about the pro bono accounting firm mentioned in this episode, Accounting Angels, click here.

Here’s what you can expect to take away from this episode…

⦿ How donors use nonprofit financial information to make donation decisions

⦿ What are mission metrics and how can they help both nonprofits and donors

⦿ How do nonprofit administration and fundraising overlap

Click here to listen!


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⦿ Learn more about Dr. Erica Harris’s research
⦿ Learn more about Accounting Angels pro bono consulting
⦿ Download “The SIGNALS Framework” e-book

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