Episode 20: AMA- Donor segmentation, increasing gift size from loyal donors, analyzing qualitative data, values mismatch for a program, and engaging millennial donors

If you’re on the Nonprofit Science Institute email list, you saw I put out a call for questions for an Ask Me Anything- style podcast episode. I said these questions could be about topics I’ve covered in previous podcast episodes or just questions about problems you’re facing and want some research to help you work through them.

I got a bunch of great questions and on this episode, I’m going to answer five of them.

Here’s what you can expect to take away from this episode…

⦿ How to encourage increased giving from long-time supporters

⦿ How to extract quantitative data from qualitative data to demonstrate impact

⦿ How to use donor segmentation to boost giving… and more!


⦿ [1:37] Do you segment your donors after you get their gift and if not, where does segmentation fall in the donor cycle?
⦿ [6:10] We have donors in our community who have given around the same amount every year for years, but they don’t seem to be increasing their giving. Is this normal? Is there anything we can do to encourage higher levels of giving?
⦿ [10:35] You’ve mentioned using qualitative data several times, but our board and funders, people we report to, still want the numbers. Is the qualitative data mainly to offer testimonials to the numbers? I guess I’m confused about how to use qualitative data in a useful way- or in a way that our supporters find useful.
⦿ [15:57] How do we know if the values of our community have shifted? For instance, right now I’m struggling to get funding for a specific program in our nonprofit. The other programs are well funded through grants and government support, but one of them is not able to get government, grant funding and it doesn’t seem to inspire our donors to contribute directly to it. Does this mean the values of our community are changing and they are not aligned with this program?
⦿ [19:38] My nonprofit’s CEO is really pushing us (the development team) to focus on millennial donors. What does research say about engaging millennial donors?

Click here to listen!


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⦿ Download the FREE e-book The SIGNALS Framework

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