This week on the Nonprofit Science Podcast…
⦿ [0:11] Today I am joined by Dr. Jamie Levine Daniel. Dr. Levine Daniel is an Associate Professor of Nonprofit Management and Public Service at the New York University Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Her research focuses on nonprofit resource acquisition and service delivery within a context of power, policy, process, and practice. Not only is Dr. Levine Daniel involved in teaching and research but she is also the winner of several prestigious research awards.
⦿ [2:40] How can thinking about competition help nonprofits and how can thinking about competition hurt?
⦿ [7:35] How can nonprofit leaders contend with this idea that it’s okay to be competitive?
⦿ [13:00] I know you’ve done a lot of research on organizational identity and sense giving, can you dive into that? Maybe start with what is sense giving?
⦿ [21:02] Are some signals considered stronger than others?
⦿ [22:05] Does being strategic in this way [with sense giving] impact resource allocation? Are these organizations that are more sophisticated in this way, do we see that they are able to generate more resources for their cause?
⦿ [28:11] Have you found cases of these, what I’m going to call, misinterpreted signals?
⦿ [34:11] From your research, can you draw down some tangible tips that will help nonprofit leaders contend with shaping their organizational identity and figuring out which signals to send?
⦿ [38:16] For more purely charitable organizations, for instance, how would earned income effect their organizational identity?
⦿ [43:14] How can nonprofits ensure that their earned income is aligned with their mission? Can you talk more specifically about how we can communicate about earned income in a way that connects with the mission and isn’t confusing?
⦿ [49:09] What’s next for you? What questions are you excited about investigating
To learn more about Dr. Jamie Levine Daniel’s work, click here.
Here’s what you can expect to take away from this episode…
⦿ An understanding of how competition and collaboration are important nonprofit strategies
⦿ An understanding of what sense giving is and how nonprofits can intentionally curate their signals
⦿ An understanding of what revenue embeddedness is and how it can help nonprofits determine an earned revenue stream
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⦿ Learn more about Dr. Jamie Levine Daniel’s work
⦿ Book mentioned in the episode: Reframing Nonprofit Organizations