Episode 13: Top Ten Articles of 2023

As you may know, I read a ton of peer-reviewed journal articles in preparation for my client work, in preparation for the podcast, and just for my own nonprofit science education. And when I talk to my colleagues and clients, I often get asked to recommend some articles to read. Since it’s the end of the year and you hopefully have some time off for some leisurely reading, I thought it would be fun to share with you my top ten favorite articles that I read this year.


⦿ [3:24] Interpersonal leader responses to secondary trauma in nonprofit human service organization, written by Anthony Silard
⦿ [5:04] Stereotype threat and women’s work satisfaction: The importance of role models, written by Clarisa Cortland and Zoe Kinias
⦿ [6:10] A grounded theory study of major gift fundraising relationships in U.S. higher education, written by Genevieve Shaker and Deanna Nelson
⦿ [9:48] System justification: experimental evidence, its contextual nature, and implications for social change, written by Justin Friesen, Kristin Laurin, Steven Shepherd, Danielle Gaucher, and Aaron C. Kay
⦿ [11:02] Rage donations and mobilization: understanding the effects of advocacy on collective giving responses, written by Cassandra M. Chapman, Morgana Lizzo-Wilson, Zahra Mirnajafi, Barbara M. Masser, Winnifred R. Louis
⦿ [11:53] Do thank-you calls increase charitable giving? Expert forecasts and field experimental evidence, written by Anya Samek and Chuck Longfield
⦿ [13:33] Inclusive leadership: How leaders sustain or discourage work group inclusion, written by Lynn Shore and Beth Chung
⦿ [13:33] Volunteers as boundary workers: Negotiating tensions between volunteerism and professionalism in nonprofit organizations, written by Kirstie McAllum
⦿ [13:33] Investigating the marketization of the nonprofit sector: A comparative case study, written by Billie Sandberg, Erin Elliot, and Shauna Petchel
⦿ [13:33] Decoding the Charitable Brain: Empathy, Perspective Taking, and Attention Shifts Differentially Predict Altruistic Giving, written by Anita Tusche, Anne Bockler, Philipp Kanske, Fynn-Mathis Trautwein, and Tania Singer

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⦿ BONUS Episode 14: How to build authentic relationships with donors
⦿ BONUS Episode 15: Why people resist change- even when it benefits them
⦿ BONUS Episode 16: What are rage donations and how can nonprofits mobilize this support
⦿ Episode 9: How to thank donors to strengthen the donor-nonprofit bond
⦿ Download “The SIGNALS Framework” free e-book

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