Episode 11: Why environmental sustainability is important for all nonprofits with Dr. Crystal Fashant

This week on the Nonprofit Science Podcast…

⦿ [1:00] Today, I am joined by Dr. Crystal Fashant. She is an associate professor in the Department of Public and Nonprofit Leadership at Metro State University and just a wealth of knowledge. She has nearly 20 years of experience in the nonprofit sector and draws upon that experience to investigate social justice and environmental sustainability issues as they relate to nonprofit work.
⦿ [3:13] Have you found this cycle to be a recurrent theme in your research- this type of telephone game that leads to misinformation and the subsequent nonprofit reaction?
⦿ [10:58] I say a version of this all the time, if we don’t understand the problem, we can’t find a solution… in a crisis situation the impulse is to help and that’s a beautiful thing but without a true understanding of the problem, we’re kind of just throwing solutions at the wall to see what sticks or worse we’re being reactive to misguided information. Has this theme showed up in other areas of your research?
⦿ [14:25] Can you talk to me more about how you found KPI’s to be useful in your work?
⦿ [18:30] You talk about these four measurements, how would an individual organization get that information so that they can start to track KPI’s for their own footprint?
⦿ [28:55] If you were to edit this paper or this research would you add any other key performance indicators or any drivers?
⦿ [34:18] What are some tactical steps that nonprofits can take to quantify their effect on their community and how they reduce harm to their community when we take the perspective of climate justice- are there any KPI’s that could be taken from the healthcare industry and applied more broadly to nonprofits?
⦿ [43:25] While your study was quite sophisticated, I feel like the design of the study is something that nonprofits can replicate on a smaller scale to determine what motivates their own volunteer community. Could you talk about your study design and touch on why you chose this particular design?

To learn more about Dr. Crystal Fashant and her work, click here.

Here’s what you can expect to take away from this episode…

⦿ Why it’s important for nonprofits to pay attention to environmental sustainability and tactical tips for tracking progress

⦿ What motivates volunteers and how we can evaluate our own volunteer motivations

⦿ Innovative ways to engage volunteers, particularly in environmental sustainability

Click here to listen!


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⦿ Learn more about Dr. Crystal Fashant’s work
⦿ Download “The SIGNALS Framework” e-book

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