Episode 42: What is avenger philanthropy and how can nonprofits leverage brand storytelling to grow a volunteer community with Dr. Sarah-Louise Mitchell

This week I am joined by Dr. Sarah-Louise Mitchell.

Dr. Mitchell was motivated to become an academic in order to answer some of the burning questions in the nonprofit sector. She ran the marketing for two charities which prompted her to undertake a full-time PhD looking at why people volunteer for one charity brand versus another.

Her current research interests include charity collaborations, brand storytelling and how we attract more young people to volunteer. She has co-authored a best-selling book called Charity Marketing: Contemporary Issues, Research, and Practice and has a new book called the Future of Charity Marketing.

During this conversation we discuss:

⦿ [5:43] What is avenger philanthropy and how is it different from the phenomenon of rage giving?

⦿ [8:27] The role that humor plays in avenger philanthropy

⦿ [12:28] The role that nonprofits play in avenger philanthropy and why nonprofits should not interfere in the process

⦿ [15:33] Avenger philanthropy demonstrates that some donors are keen on bringing more humor to their giving. Nonprofits may need to consider how they can bring some humor and lightness to their causes in their marketing.

⦿ [21:50] Dr. Mitchell shares that there is ongoing research into avenger philanthropy and asks the audience to submit examples of avenger philanthropy by sending a message on LinkedIn. To contribute to the ongoing research with an example of avenger philanthropy, please click here.

⦿ [27:20] An example of how one nonprofit used a unique approach to volunteering, which not only helped the organization sustain its activities but also allowed volunteers to feel as if they are part of a community.

⦿ [38:05] How bringing more fun into volunteering can help organizations recruit and retain volunteers

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Put it into Practice

⦿ Is your organization prepared to be a beneficiary of avenger philanthropy?

⦿ How can your nonprofit bring an element of humor to your fundraising and/or marketing?

⦿ How can you make volunteering for your nonprofit more fun to create a feeling of community?


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⦿ Article: Avengers assemble: Avenger philanthropy as the new gift opportunity for nonprofit organizations
⦿ Article: Reframing the practice of volunteering as a collective endeavour through a focal brand community
⦿ Article: Guest Editorial: A personal perspective on why social impact matters
⦿ Book: The Future of Charity Marketing
⦿ Book: Charity Marketing: Contemporary Issues, Research and Practice
⦿ Learn more about Dr. Sarah-Louise Mitchell’s work
⦿ Connect with Dr. Mitchell and submit avenger philanthropy examples

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