Episode 36: Why climate change is a strategic imperative for nonprofits and how to create a risk mitigation plan with Dr. Beth Gazley

This week I am joined by Dr. Beth Gazley.

Professor Beth Gazley specializes in U.S. nonprofit management and civil society policy. She has published more than 85 research articles, books, and commentary addressing intersectoral collaboration, volunteerism, nonprofit governance, public service coproduction, association management, disaster response, and other topics.

During this conversation we discuss:

⦿ [4:43] How counterintuitive thinking can be used to critically assess nonprofit management

⦿ [6:35] Public policy approaches disaster preparedness with a “whole community response” in mind with a wide range of social safety agencies written into the plan, but do all these organizations need to be prepared?

⦿ [10:10] With the exception of offsite data storage, many nonprofits have not taken risk mitigation steps.

⦿ [15:43] Why severe weather-related disaster preparedness is a strategic imperative rather than an operational-level activity.

⦿ [19:51] Developing a risk profile for your nonprofit based on location and the community your organization serves.

⦿ [29:20] If you had to take one step toward emergency planning for climate change what should it be?

⦿ [33:17] Many nonprofits regularly collaborate with other organizations through participation in coalitions.

⦿ [35:00] What we know about successful collaborations.

⦿ [38:15] What is coopetition and how does this apply to nonprofits?

⦿ [42:00] What is co-production and how does that look in the modern day?

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Put it into Practice

⦿ If your organization has not had a conversation about risk mitigation in the context of climate change, what can you do to encourage this discussion among leadership?

⦿ How can you network with organizations to develop a risk mitigation plan?

⦿ In what ways does your nonprofit collaborate with other organizations and how does this help or hurt your nonprofit?


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⦿ Article: Nonprofit disaster response and climate change: Who responds? Who plans?
⦿ Article: What do we know about nonprofit collaboration? A systematic review of the literature
⦿ Article: Co-production from a third-sector perspective
⦿ Learn more about Dr. Beth Gazley’s work

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