Episode 34: How to choose cause marketing partners, boost volunteer retention and volunteer productivity with Vinit Tipnis

This week on The Nonprofit Science Podcast I am joined by Vinit Tipnis.

Vinit is a PhD candidate in the Operations and Decision Technologies department at Indiana University’s Kelly School of Business. His research interests lie at the intersection of nonprofit operations management and behavioral operations management.

He is passionate about understanding how the decisions and actions of various stakeholders- including donors, volunteers, and managers- impact the operational performance of nonprofit organizations.

During this conversation we discuss:

⦿ [6:30] Looking into published academic research to tackle problems nonprofits face
⦿ [7:25] The two types of cause marketing campaigns
⦿ [10:30] Whether consumers prefer to support one type of cause marketing campaign over the other
⦿ [17:50] For nonprofits looking to get into cause marketing, is there a decision tree to help identify the best partnerships?
⦿ [23:50] Using social interaction to increase volunteer retention
⦿ [32:15] The effect of pairing experienced volunteers with less experienced volunteers on retention
⦿ [43:40] How exporting volunteer tasks to an AI tool effects volunteer productivity and retention

Here’s what you can expect to take away from this episode…

⦿ An understanding of what flexible vs earmarked campaigns are in cause marketing

⦿ An understanding of when to use flexible or earmarked campaigns in cause marketing

⦿ How experienced volunteers can play a role in new volunteer retention

Click here to listen!


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⦿ Article: Balancing Act: How Nonprofit Organizations Can Use Cause Marketing for Effective Fundraising
⦿ Article: Enhancing Volunteer Retention: The Role of Experienced Volunteers
⦿ Article: AI-Powered Philanthropy: Effects on Volunteer Productivity
⦿ Learn more about Vinit Tipnis’ work

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